Blogs de Portugal

quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2012


Today let's talk about Fashion sewing!
I'll show some pictures of material that is essential for sewing Fashion!

This object is a Sewing machine for people who already estam to get the hang nicely. 
This image is for Sewing scissors FASHION.
This image lines are essential to Fashion Sewing.

This object is a tape that is used to take body measurements to make clothing or accessories.
   This image are fabrics that are used in sewing machine to make clothes and accessories.

This is a good hobby to do with your mother, sisters, or friends with your grandma.
Have fun and make lots of clothes and accessories, sewing machine with less money to spend if they are your own creations who will present FASHION!
Follow the advice and teach your friends. Go see who will create a new trend of Fashion.

                                                                                                                                                  Good luck,
                                                                                                                                          Flora Fairy kikiu

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